01273 676768 / 07775 917790

De Vere 203 Bench standing Enlarger

The De Vere 203 Bench standing Enlarger is equipped with the De Vere front of baseboard controls, allowing movement of both the negative stage and lens stage from handles at the front of the baseboard and eliminates the reaching for focusing when doing big enlargements.


The Enlarger is equipped with a 250 Watt dial-in Dichromat Colour Head and has interchangeable light boxes that can halve the printing speed when using a 35mm negative. It can also be equipped with a condenser lightsource and multigrade black/white lightsource.

It can print negative sizes from 110, 35mm and 120 up to sizes of 20×24 Its of rigid construction, solid column, ballrace equipped runners and supplied as a complete machine with chassis, lightsource, power supply, timer, even a 50mm or 80mm lens.

*All prices are exclusive of VAT and delivery charges.


De Vere 203 Bench Elerger (B+W)
Order Code: 01-101
Part No: 203 B/BW
De Vere 203 Bench Enlarger (Colour)
Order Code: 01-100
Part No: 203 B/C
Refurbished De Vere 203 Bench Enlarger Colour
Order Code: R-1000
B-Grade: Refurbished Product
Refurbished De Vere 203 Bench Enlarger Multigrade
Order Code: R-1003
B-Grade: Refurbished Product
Refurbished De Vere 203 Bench Enlarger CC
Order Code: R-1001
B-Grade: Refurbished Product
Refurbished De Vere 203 Bench Enlarger Vericon
Order Code: R-1002
B-Grade: Refurbished Product