01273 676768 / 07775 917790

Rodenstock Apo Rodagon-D

Apo-Rodagon-D lenses are designed for the highest possible imaging quality for close-ups. Just those scales where even the best enlarging lenses begin to show their weak spots. They are therefore suitable for transparency duplication, the preparation of internegatives and – together with the Modular-Focus helical mount – for macro photography and scanners.

The 6-element, apochromatically corrected lenses feature high contrast and sharpness right up to the picture corners with practically no colour fringes.

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The optimum working aperture between f/5.6 – f/8.0.  Both models are fitted with click-stop rings (which can be disabled) and pre-setting rings.


Rodenstock Apo Rodagon-D 120mm
Order Code: 08-135
Rodenstock Apo Rodagon-D 1x 75mm
Order Code: 08-133
Rodenstock Apo Rodagon-D 2x 75mm
Order Code: 08-134